A Comprehensive Guide to Historical Map and Aerial Imagery Tools for Taiwan

This is a guide to various useful digital mapping tools that can assist in surveying and planning mountaineering and river tracing trips in Taiwan. These tools are free-to-use and either developed by the mountaineering community in Taiwan or government agencies. In addition to these online mapping tools, the Taiwanese mapping community also maintains a crowd-sourced hiking map that is updated on a rolling basis as trail information is provided by the community. The majority of these tools can be used without fluency in Mandarin.

View Taiwan’s Mountains From New Perspectives

Online Tools

Composite Mapping Tools & Map Viewers

  • Happyman Map Browser 地圖瀏覽器

  • GIS Center’s Historical Map Viewer 臺灣百年歷史地圖 (“100 Years of Maps”)

Aerial Imagery

  • NLCS Map Viewer 國土測繪中心

  • NLCS Map Service 3D 國土測繪中心3D

  • Forestry Bureau Aerial Survey Office 農林航空測量所

  • Google Earth

Official Naming and Zoning Reference

  • Ministry of Interior Land Map 地籍圖資網路便民服務系統

Estimating Water Flow

  • Catchment Area Calculator 集水區觀察員

  • CWB Accumulated Precipitation Graph 日累積圖

Offline Tools

Topo Maps

  • RudyMaps (魯地圖)


Online Tools


Composite Mapping Tools & Map Viewers


Happyman Map Browser 地圖瀏覽器

Happyman map tool

Happyman Map Tool w/Rudy Maps

The infamous W-shaped canyon of Pasikao River as viewed in Rudy Maps. Photos of the actual canyon are below.

Link: Happyman Map Tool


  • satellite imagery / aerial imagery

  • topographical maps

  • historical maps

  • measure distances and elevation change

  • on-map rainfall forecasts

Likely the BEST tool for researching and planning hikes through Taiwan’s mountains.

Happyman Map Tool has the option to simultaneously show a composite rendering of two maps. The left dropdown menu features a selection of historical maps and satellite imagery, that can be overlayed with either the Rudy (魯地圖), 經建1, or 經建3 topographical maps on the right. Transparency is customizable and the UX is commendable.

Regardless of the map combination selected, the following features: peaks, hot springs, historic (abandoned) Japanese police stations, water sources, historic (abandoned) indigenous villages, mountain cabins, campsites, and suspension bridges are superpositioned over both maps. The blue tracks displayed are previously uploaded GPS routes that you can view and download.

On the upper right is an option to overlay rainfall accumulation or forecasted rainfall for the coming days.

Note: Just like Google Earth, you can easily spend hours looking around without actually leaving your front door — make sure to go outside eventually.

Useful Maps:
These can be found in the left dropdown (green = recommended)

  • 陸側1924新 - Japanese topographic map, high resolution, marks canyons, hot springs, and place names

  • 老五萬 1956 - marks old trails

  • 水利局 1966 - another reference for old trails

  • 經建1 1989 & 經建3 2001 - maps out farthest reaches of forestry roads (林道), *more additions on 2001

  • 魯地圖 / Rudy - contour lines and waterways are most prominent; marks water sources, mountain entry points, and campsites; Rudy is the English version

  • 衛星圖 - up-to-date Google Maps satellite view

  • 農航所 - up-to-date overlay of Forestry Bureau Aerial Survey Office imagery


GIS Center’s Historical Map Viewer 臺灣百年歷史地圖 (“100 Years of Maps”)

GIS Center's Historic Map Tool (100 Years of Maps)

The old police stations along the Neibenlu Police Trail can be seen in GIS Center's Historical Map Viewer (100 Years of Maps).

Link: GIS Center’s Historical Map Viewer


  • massive collection of historical maps

  • historical map overlay function

The GIS Center’s Historical Map Viewer is a unique tool that can overlay historical maps on top of Google Maps for easy reference. It has far more map options than Happyman Map Browser. But, it lacks certain cartographic abilities such as the ability to measure distance. As historical maps suffer in the sense of scale category, this is likely irrelevant.

Useful Maps:
(green = recommended; orange = warning)


  • 1897 - 日治臺灣假製二十萬分一圖 - indigenous settlements and traverse trails marked

  • 1898 - 日治四十萬分之一臺灣全圖 - indigenous settlements and traverse trails marked

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  • 1907 - 日治五萬分之一蕃地地形圖 - indigenous settlements clearly marked; high resolution; canyon marked

  • 1921 - 日治二萬分之一台灣堡圖 - indigenous settlements clearly marked; super high resolution; missing many mountain areas

  • 1924 - 日治三十萬分之一台灣全圖(第一版) - indigenous settlements clearly marked; low resolution; complete but rough

  • 1924 - 日治五萬分之一地形圖(陸地測量部) - canyons, hot springs, place names well-marked; super high resolution, scale correct; missing mountain areas south of Mugua River

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  • 1934 - 日治三十萬分之一台灣全圖 - indigenous settlements and traverse trails marked

  • 1934 - 日治三十萬分之一台灣全圖(第三版) not detailed, uses katakana

  • 1939 - 日治三十萬分之一台灣全圖(第五版) not detailed, uses kanji

  • 1944 - 美軍五萬分之一地形圖 - location of settlements is very precise on the topographic map

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  • 臺灣省水利工程、水文站及基準點位置圖 - marks police stations and old traverse trails; inferior to Japanese maps

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  • 92~94年正射影像【NLSC】- historical satellite imagery


Aerial Imagery


The Taiwanese government offers access to several platforms with images different from Google Earth. Due to differences in time of day and satellite position at the time of capture, these may be superior or inferior to the imagery on Google Earth.

NLCS Map Viewer 國土測繪中心

NLCS Taiwan Satellite Map

The confluence of Laningavan (ナニハバン) River and Luye (Pasikao) River viewed in NLCS Map Viewer.

Link: NLCS Map Service 國土測繪中心


  • satellite imagery / aerial imagery

  • topographical maps

  • distances measurements

The NLCS Maps are dated (2017) but offer excellent angles for most rivers in Taiwan. Low resolution maps load quickly.


NLCS Map Service 3D 國土測繪中心3D

NLCS 3D Taiwan Satellite Map

The confluence of Laningavan(ナニハバン)River and Luye (Pasikao) River viewed as a 3D render.

Link: NLCS Map Service 3D Map 國土測繪中心


  • satellite imagery / aerial imagery

  • 3D rendering

  • elevation change measurements via 3D map (for watercourse / waterfalls)

The 3D version of NLCS offers limited but high-resolution aerial imagery of some areas, mostly in central Taiwan.


Forestry Bureau Aerial Survey Office 農林航空測量所

農航所 3D Taiwan Satellite Map

The same confluence from above seen in higher resolution on the Aerial Survey Office platform.

Link: Forestry Bureau Aerial Survey Office 農林航空測量所


  • satellite imagery / aerial imagery

The Aerial Survey Office offers higher resolution satellite imagery than Google Earth. The downside is that it is not as current.


Google Earth

Google Earth 3D Taiwan Satellite Map

The same confluence from above seen in Google Earth, surprisingly with less detail.

Link: Google Earth


  • satellite imagery / aerial imagery

  • comparatively up-to-date satellite imagery

Google Earth is updated several times per year and, as a result, usually offers the most accurate and up-to-date imagery.


Official Naming and Zoning


Ministry of Interior Land Map 地籍圖資網路便民服務系統

Ministry of Interior OSM Map

Link: Ministry of Interior Land Map 地籍圖資網路便民服務系統


  • Displays official names of geographic features

According to the Forestry Bureau of Taiwan, this tool is used for place name reference (by loading OSM map). It also displays national-level nature reserves. County-level reserves like Xinwulu River’s Fish Protection Area are not displayed.


Tools for Estimating Water Flow


Catchment Area Calculator 集水區觀察員

Link: Catchment Area Calculator 集水區觀察員

This web app calculates the catchment area of any point on a waterway in km². It is useful for understanding the scope of a river at any point.

Taiwan River Flow Calculator

Pasikao River (鹿野溪) Catchment Area

The catchment area for Pasikao’s W-shaped canyon is around 200km².

Taiwan River Flow Calculator

Jiajiuliao (加九寮溪) Catchment Area

By comparison, the catchment area for Wulai’s popular Jiajiuliao River (加九寮溪) is only 12km².


CWB Accumulated Precipitation Graph 日累積圖

Link: CWB Accumulated Precipitation Graph

A good reference for determining potential flow of larger watersheds. Useful for planning longer trips.

rainfall chart taiwan

It can be adjusted to view 1, 2, 3, or 4-day timeframes.


Offline Tools


Topo Maps


Taiwan TOPO (魯地圖) aka “Rudy Map”

Download: Rudy Map Download Link

Rudy Map (魯地圖) is a free offline map for compatible GPS applications on iOS and Android. It can be also displayed on a Garmin. The map is updated on a rolling basis from crowd-sourced information delivered by active mountaineers in Taiwan. Water sources, campsites, peaks, trails, forestry roads, etc. are marked.

Rudy Map can be displayed using the following apps:

Android: Oruxmaps, Locus Map, GTs 綠野遊蹤, Wadi 蛙弟!
iOS: Cartograph 2 Maps, 山林日誌

Rudy Map Installation Instructions (in Mandarin Chinese and spoken by a TTS robot)
Rudy Map Legend

Rudy 魯地圖 Taiwan Topo Map

Rudy Map 魯地圖 Taiwan Topo Map

Cartograph 2 Maps (iOS) w/魯地圖 loaded


Accident Report: 2021/11/14 Qizhongtian Waterfall Group